Lipobay (Cerivastatin)

Brand Name: Lipobay

Generic Name: Cerivastatin

Manufacturer/Agent: Bayer Schering Pharma

Formulation: tabs

Strength: 0.2mg

Pack size: 28

Trade Price: KES 2,757.30

Retail Price: @ KES 131.30

Class: Statins (Cardiovascular drugs)

Mechanism of Action:


Molecular Formulae:

Precautions: Pregnancy. lactation.

Indications/Uses: Adjunct to diet for reduction of elevated total and ldl cholesterol levels 0.3 mg od

Interactions: Cholestyramine reduces absorption. inhibitors of cyp450 increase its effect. may increase levels of digoxin, ethinyl estradiol

Side Effects: Weakness, insomnia, heaadache, chest pain, edema, diarrhoea, myalgia, cough