Phenobarbitone (Phenobarbitone)

Brand Name: Phenobarbitone

Generic Name: Phenobarbitone

Manufacturer/Agent: Lab & Allied

Formulation: inj

Strength: 2ml amp

Pack size: 1

Trade Price: KES 50.00

Retail Price: @ KES 66.67

Class: Antiepileptics (CNS agents)

Mechanism of Action:

Synonym: Phenobarbital

Molecular Formulae: C12H12N2O3 = 232.2

Precautions: Hypersensitivity. severe renal or hepatic dysfunction.

Indications/Uses: Tonic-clonic and partial seizures 60-180mg daily.

Interactions: Maoi increase its effects. anticoagulants effect is reduced.

Side Effects: Drowsiness. lethargy. depression. ataxia. skin allergies. paradoxical excitement.