Clotflush (Heparin)

Brand Name: Clotflush

Generic Name: Heparin

Manufacturer/Agent: Prisma Pharma

Formulation: inj

Strength: 20iu/2ml

Pack size: 10

Trade Price: KES 675.00

Retail Price: @ KES 90.00

Class: Anticoagulants (Cardiovascular drugs)

Mechanism of Action:


Molecular Formulae:

Precautions: Hemorrhagic disorders e.g. hemophilia, thrombocytopenia.

Indications/Uses: Deep-vein thrombosis and pulmonary thrombosis iv. to prevent post-operative deep-vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism in surgery sc.


Side Effects: Haemorrhage. hypersensitivity reactions. osteoporosis on long usage.hyperkalaemia. osteoporosis.