Vingraf (Tacrolimus)

Brand Name: Vingraf

Generic Name: Tacrolimus

Manufacturer/Agent: Emcure Pharmaceuticals

Formulation: caps

Strength: 1mg

Pack size: 60

Trade Price: KES 2,230.00

Retail Price: @ KES 49.56

Class: Anticancer/immunosuppressants: Other (Oncology & immunosuppression drugs)

Mechanism of Action:


Molecular Formulae:

Precautions: Generalised erythroderma. pregnancy.

Indications/Uses: In combination with corticosteroids to prevent organ rejection

Interactions: Increased toxicity with nephrotoxic drugs

Side Effects: Nephrotoxicity,headache, fever, tremor, hypertension, abdominal pain, nausea, insomnia, renal dysfunction