Bonviva (Ibanronic Acid)

Brand Name: Bonviva

Generic Name: Ibanronic Acid

Manufacturer/Agent: Roche Pdts Ltd

Formulation: inj

Strength: 3mg/3ml

Pack size: 1

Trade Price: KES 15,757.00

Retail Price: @ KES 21,009.33

Class: Biphosphonates (Misc. drugs)

Mechanism of Action:


Molecular Formulae:

Precautions: Pregnancy

Indications/Uses: Reduction of bone damage in breast cancer 50 mg od, hypercalceamia of malignancy 2-4 mg single infusion


Side Effects: Hypocalcaemia, hypophosphateamia, influenza-like symptoms, bone pain, gi disturbance, hypersensitivity reactions.