Labcimet (Cimetidine)

Brand Name: Labcimet

Generic Name: Cimetidine

Manufacturer/Agent: Lab & Allied

Formulation: tabs

Strength: 400mg

Pack size: 100

Trade Price: KES 326.00

Retail Price: @ KES 4.35

Class: H-2 Receptor Antagonists (Gastrointestinal drugs)

Mechanism of Action:


Molecular Formulae: C10H16N6S = 252.3

Precautions: Hypersensitivity. pregnancy/lactation. reduce dose in renal or hepatic insufficiency.

Indications/Uses: Peptic ulcer disease 800mg daily. zollinger-ellison syndrome, reflux oesophagitis 800-1600mg daily.

Interactions: Increase activity of drugs metabolized by hepatic cytochrome p450; phenytoin, theophylline, oral anticoagulants, diazepam, propranolol.

Side Effects: Headache. dizziness. reversible gynaecomastia and confusional states. gastro-intestinal disturbances. altered liver function tests. alopecia.rarely tachycardia.