Ivysone (Hydrocortisone)

Brand Name: Ivysone

Generic Name: Hydrocortisone

Manufacturer/Agent: Ivee Aqua Epz

Formulation: ear drops

Strength: 5ml

Pack size: 1

Trade Price: KES 50.00

Retail Price: @ KES 66.67

Class: Corticosteroids (Endocrine system drugs)

Mechanism of Action:

Synonym: Cortisol

Molecular Formulae: C21H30O5 = 362.5

Precautions: Acute infection. caution in systemic use in peptic ulcers, osteoporosis and psychoses.

Indications/Uses: Replacement therapy 20-300mg daily. status asthmaticus 100-200mg iv. allergic and anaphylactic reactions 100-500 6hrly iv. soft tissue and joint inflammation 5-

Interactions: Phenytoin. phenobarbitone. rifampicin. anticoagulants.

Side Effects: Ostoeporosis. fluid and electrolyte imbalance. peptic ulcer.