Lyoble (Bleomycin Sulphate)

Brand Name: Lyoble

Generic Name: Bleomycin Sulphate

Manufacturer/Agent: United Biotech

Formulation: inj

Strength: 15iu

Pack size: 1

Trade Price: KES 1,210.00

Retail Price: @ KES 1,613.33

Class: Cytotoxic Antibiotics (Oncology & immunosuppression drugs)

Mechanism of Action:


Molecular Formulae:

Precautions: Caution in renal or pulmonary insufficiency. pregnancy.

Indications/Uses: Squamous cell carcinoma, hodgkins and other lymphomas, neoplams of the testis.

Interactions: May decrease levels of digoxin, phenytoin.

Side Effects: Nausea. vomiting. bone marrow depression. alopecia. irritation.