Glandin E2 (Dinoprostone)

Brand Name: Glandin E2

Generic Name: Dinoprostone

Manufacturer/Agent: Nabros Pharma Products

Formulation: vaginal tab

Strength: 3mg

Pack size: 4

Trade Price: KES 3,900.00

Retail Price: @ KES 1,300.00

Class: Prostagladins & Analogues (Misc. drugs)

Mechanism of Action:

Synonym: Prostaglandin E2

Molecular Formulae: C20H32O5 = 352.5

Precautions: Concomitant use of cytotoxic agents. conditions when prolonged contraction may be inappropriate. raised intraocular or intracranial pressure.

Indications/Uses: Pre-induction of cervical ripening and induction of labour.

Interactions: Increased effect of oxytixics

Side Effects: Nausea. vomiting. diarrhoea. uterine hypertonus. bronchospasm. foetal distress. maternal hypertension.backache. fever.