Ponstan (Mefenamic Acid)

Brand Name: Ponstan

Generic Name: Mefenamic Acid

Manufacturer/Agent: Pfizer Global Pharma

Formulation: syp

Strength: 100ml

Pack size: 1

Trade Price: KES 202.00

Retail Price: @ KES 269.33

Class: Nsaids (Musculoskeletal agents)

Mechanism of Action:


Molecular Formulae: C15H15NO2 = 241.3

Precautions: Inflammatory bowel disease. peptic ulcer. sensitivity to aspirin or other nsaid.

Indications/Uses: Rheumatic diseases including stills disease, primary dysmenorrhea, hemorrhagic; 500mg tid, after food. analgesia and pyrexia in children


Side Effects: Gastro-intestinal upset. allergic reactions. visual disturbances. dizzyness.headache. diarrhoea. rash.