Camcolit (Lithium Carbonate)

Brand Name: Camcolit

Generic Name: Lithium Carbonate

Manufacturer/Agent: Norgine Ltd (uk)

Formulation: tabs

Strength: 400mg

Pack size: 100

Trade Price: KES 1,300.00

Retail Price: @ KES 17.33

Class: Antipsychotics (CNS agents)

Mechanism of Action:


Molecular Formulae: LI2CO3 = 73.9

Precautions: Kidney disease. heart disease. disturbed electrolyte imbalance. pregnancy. psoriasis. careful titration of dose needed to prevent toxicity.

Indications/Uses: Mania, depression. dose determined by blood levels of lithium.

Interactions: Thiazide diuretics (sodium depletion lead to toxicity), nsaids potentiate effects.

Side Effects: Common with high dose (1.5 mmol/l in plasma); tremor, drowsiness, gastro-intestinal disturbances, polyuria. polydipsia, oedema.