Rivoxyn (Pentoxyfylline)

Brand Name: Rivoxyn

Generic Name: Pentoxyfylline

Manufacturer/Agent: Rivopharma

Formulation: tabs

Strength: 400mg

Pack size: 20

Trade Price: KES 780.00

Retail Price: @ KES 52.00

Class: Vasodilators (Cardiovascular drugs)

Mechanism of Action:

Synonym: Oxpentifylline

Molecular Formulae: C13H18N4O3 = 278.3

Precautions: Intolerance to xanthine derivatives. pregnancy. acute mi. caution in coronary artery disease, hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias.

Indications/Uses: Cerebrovascular disorders, peripheral vascular disorders (intermittent claudication, raynauds syndrome); 400mg tid with food.

Interactions: Antihypertensives.

Side Effects: Gastro-intestinal disturbances. vertigo. flushing. agitation. headache.