Sekrol Paed (Ambroxol)

Brand Name: Sekrol Paed

Generic Name: Ambroxol

Manufacturer/Agent: Dafra Pharma

Formulation: syp

Strength: 15 mg/5ml 100ml

Pack size: 1

Trade Price: KES 280.00

Retail Price: @ KES 373.33

Class: Mucolytics/expectorants (Respiratory system drugs)

Mechanism of Action:


Molecular Formulae: C13H18Br2N2O = 378.1

Precautions: Hypersensitivity. caution in first trimester of pregnancy.

Indications/Uses: Expectoration in conditions with excessive bronchial mucous secretions; 15-30mg tid.


Side Effects: Mild gastro-intestinal upset. allergic reactions.