Tryptizol (Amitriptyline)

Brand Name: Tryptizol

Generic Name: Amitriptyline

Manufacturer/Agent: Merck Sharpe

Formulation: tabs

Strength: 25mg

Pack size: 500

Trade Price: KES 3,202.00

Retail Price: @ KES 8.55

Class: Tricyclic Or Related Antidepressants (CNS agents)

Mechanism of Action:


Molecular Formulae: C20H23N.HCL = 313.8

Precautions: Prostatic hypertrophy. glaucoma. arhythmias. severe liver diseases.

Indications/Uses: Depression, 50-150mg daily. nocturnal enuresis 10-20mg for 6-10 years olds, upto 50mg for older children.

Interactions: Enhances effect of sympathomimetics.

Side Effects: Drowsiness. dry mouth. sedation. blurred vision. constipation. difficulty in micturation. hypotension. sweating. weight gain.