
Synonym : -

Molecular Formulae: : C10H15NO.HCl = 201.7

Precautions : Ischaemic heart disease. hypersensitivity. thyrotoxicosis. prostatic hypertrophy.

Indications/Uses: Reversible airway blockage, nasal congestion, nocturnal enuresis, narcolepsy; 15-60mg tid.

Interactions : Increased toxicity with maoi, theophylline, atropine, digoxin.

Side Effects : Anorexia. nausea. vomiting. dizziness. flushing. headache. restlessness and anxiety. urine retention.

Brands with Ephedrine :

Andrin Adult
Andrin Paed
Effinox Adult
Effinox Paed
Ephedrin Adult
Ephedrin Paed
Isoryn Adult
Isoryn Paed
Ivyfrin Adult
Ivyfrin Paed