Ephedrine (Ephedrine)

Brand Name: Ephedrine

Generic Name: Ephedrine

Manufacturer/Agent: Lab & Allied

Formulation: inj

Strength: 25mg/ml

Pack size: 1

Trade Price: KES 50.00

Retail Price: @ KES 66.67

Class: Sympathomimetics (Cardiovascular drugs)

Mechanism of Action:


Molecular Formulae: C10H15NO.HCl = 201.7

Precautions: Ischaemic heart disease. hypersensitivity. thyrotoxicosis. prostatic hypertrophy.

Indications/Uses: Reversible airway blockage, nasal congestion, nocturnal enuresis, narcolepsy; 15-60mg tid.

Interactions: Increased toxicity with maoi, theophylline, atropine, digoxin.

Side Effects: Anorexia. nausea. vomiting. dizziness. flushing. headache. restlessness and anxiety. urine retention.